Personal Training Job in Stockport

If you’re a personal trainer in Stockport, we want to hear from you.

MyGym has space for a self-employed personal trainer. If you’re a well-established personal trainer in Stockport with a good client base, you’d be a perfect fit for us.

At MyGym we believe in our personal trainers being a big part of our family. We don’t have an ‘us and them’ relationship that a lot of gyms have with their freelancers. We let you get on with running your business without interference - we don’t tell you what to wear, how to promote yourself, what prices you should charge and the like.

You’re a self employed personal trainer - you know how to do your job. All we do is provide you with a great location to do it in.

Gym in Stockport, Stockport Gym, Personal Training Stockport

What’s the deal?

We charge a monthly rent of £300, payable by direct debit. This is the same for all of our personal trainers. If you work any hours for us, we pay you. We don’t do hours for rent type deals. By the way, you’re not obliged to do hours for us - we just occasionally have hours that need covering and you may want some extra money!

We’ll NEVER ask you to clean for us, or stand in local shopping centres promoting us (like some of the big chains do).

Running the gym is OUR job, running your personal training business is YOUR job!

Any leads that come in are sent all of the personal trainers details, so they can get in touch with you. We’re a well-established gym in Stockport, so we pick up lots of new leads. We expect to pass our personal trainers 1-5 leads per month. You don’t have to take them, but you can relax knowing that we’ve got a good pipeline of work to send you if you want it.

Your clients don’t have to be members, so you can bring them in with you. If they want to use the facilities on their own though, they’d have to be members or pay a day pass. Members referred through a personal trainer benefit from our cheapest rate - £21.99 per month.

You’d obviously have a free membership to MyGym as well, allowing you to train any time you like (as long as we’re open!)

Who is the opportunity open to?

We’re looking for well-established personal trainers. Whilst we won't turn down a new personal trainer looking to build a business, we’d prefer someone who is established.


Simply because we’ve got enough on our plate running the best gym in Stockport, without having to help building a new personal training business for someone. That being said, if you’re confident you can do it on your own, let’s have a chat. We’d never want to dampen ambition!

You’d need to be fully qualified and present proof of public liability insurance cover to a minimum value of £1m.

We’d help get you started with promotion via social media and our email list, which would provide you with access to over 3000 people local to Hazel Grove and surrounding areas.

Gym in Stockport, Stockport Gym, Personal Training Stockport

So if you want to operate your personal training business out of the best strength and conditioning gym in Stockport, get in touch with Steve on 07866361964. I’d love to have a chat and see how we could work together.


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